McKinley Marina Upgrade Phase 2

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All work on this project including the fish cleaning station has been completed!

Phase 2

Project construction began on May 15th, 2023, and is progressing on schedule. A new curb and gutter, and some paving work have been completed at the new boat storage area and west side of the main boat trailer parking area. As work switches to the east side of the lot in mid-August, there will be temporary, intermittent closures of the government pier while construction work in the area near the entrance to the pier occurs. In August Parks began work on the new public walkway along the seawall near the Roundhouse building and marina offices.

The fish cleaning facility was closed for the year beginning in early September 2023 as that facility was upgraded. The boat launch ramps will continue to remain operational throughout the project.


Construction of phase one of the three-phase marina redevelopment project was completed in 2020/2021 and consisted primarily of reconstructed public parking areas, a new marina entry drive, new LED lighting, utilities, and enhanced stormwater management utilizing green infrastructure (GI) best management practices including permeable pavers and bio-infiltration basins.

Phase 2 will include reconstructed stormwater utilities and new GI stormwater management features, and also features reconstructed boat trailer parking areas with additional passenger car parking, a re-constructed boat storage area and related amenities, new LED lighting, new underground fuel tanks and fuel delivery system and a digital payment system for launch fees. In addition, the fish cleaning facility will be reconstructed and a new boat washdown area will be added. New pedestrian walkways will be constructed, and existing walkways will be re-paved including a much-needed repaving of the walkway along the Lake Michigan seawall. Other amenities such as landscaping, new fencing, and site furnishings, including benches and bike racks, will also be added.

Construction will most likely take 15 months to complete. During this time, the County plans to keep approximately 40 boat trailer parking stalls open and available to boaters.

Several large trees will be removed to accommodate the redevelopment, but 28 new trees will be planted as a part of the project.


Funding for the construction of phase 2 was approved in the 2022 capital budget.

Proposed Project Construction Schedule

Bidding and Contract Award – February to March 2023

Construction Start – May 15, 2023

Substantial Completion of Project – July 2024

All work on this project including the fish cleaning station has been completed!

Phase 2

Project construction began on May 15th, 2023, and is progressing on schedule. A new curb and gutter, and some paving work have been completed at the new boat storage area and west side of the main boat trailer parking area. As work switches to the east side of the lot in mid-August, there will be temporary, intermittent closures of the government pier while construction work in the area near the entrance to the pier occurs. In August Parks began work on the new public walkway along the seawall near the Roundhouse building and marina offices.

The fish cleaning facility was closed for the year beginning in early September 2023 as that facility was upgraded. The boat launch ramps will continue to remain operational throughout the project.


Construction of phase one of the three-phase marina redevelopment project was completed in 2020/2021 and consisted primarily of reconstructed public parking areas, a new marina entry drive, new LED lighting, utilities, and enhanced stormwater management utilizing green infrastructure (GI) best management practices including permeable pavers and bio-infiltration basins.

Phase 2 will include reconstructed stormwater utilities and new GI stormwater management features, and also features reconstructed boat trailer parking areas with additional passenger car parking, a re-constructed boat storage area and related amenities, new LED lighting, new underground fuel tanks and fuel delivery system and a digital payment system for launch fees. In addition, the fish cleaning facility will be reconstructed and a new boat washdown area will be added. New pedestrian walkways will be constructed, and existing walkways will be re-paved including a much-needed repaving of the walkway along the Lake Michigan seawall. Other amenities such as landscaping, new fencing, and site furnishings, including benches and bike racks, will also be added.

Construction will most likely take 15 months to complete. During this time, the County plans to keep approximately 40 boat trailer parking stalls open and available to boaters.

Several large trees will be removed to accommodate the redevelopment, but 28 new trees will be planted as a part of the project.


Funding for the construction of phase 2 was approved in the 2022 capital budget.

Proposed Project Construction Schedule

Bidding and Contract Award – February to March 2023

Construction Start – May 15, 2023

Substantial Completion of Project – July 2024

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I'm wondering if there is going to be a place to lock up a 8' inflatable with wheels like there used to be and when that will be available. If not is there some other way to get to my mooring?

Grace 11 months ago

I like the upgrades in this project...Phase one was a huge improvement.

One problem point that is ongoing: Pedestrian traffic from Lincoln Memorial pathways has been a issue during construction.

People leave the path and walk in the middle of the road leading to slip tenant parking lots and the round house to access the break wall. On weekends it is not safe walking on the road and can cause traffic jams as cars and trucks with boat and trailer wait for foot traffic to clear. I suggest marking the pedestrian route clearly and painting a crosswalk to guide pedestrians to a safe route from the Public Lots to the Round House and lake front. Particularly a obvious crossing from west parking lot to the Phase 1 shared public and MYC parking lot before reaching the guard house. People walk on the current path and find no choice but to walk down the narrow entrance and exit road from guard house to temporary path to Round House. it may be safer to guide pedestrians through the Phase 1 lot with a marked route.

SV Avalon over 1 year ago

On March 5th my truck and 3 others were broken into.
We all had windows smashed and our vehicles ransacked all this happened. All this happened in broad daylight as we did not launch until after sunrise.
Would like to know what security measures will be put in place as car break-ins are on the rise.
County sheriff's report 23-043485
My next question is, with the limited number of parking spaces at McKinley, are you going to enforce the trailer parking only at the South Shore boat launch there were numerous times last summer when I could not launch there because the lot was full with all the people at the beer garden.
I pay for the use of the launch with my yearly pass and should be able to use it . I am not willing to risk my safety by getting into an argument over a parking space, but you mix the summer heat and alcohol and that is going to be a problem.
I know that sounds negative, but it is the world we live in. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is something to think about.
Thank You for responding so quickly and listing to what I had to say.
Shane Manyen

Shane Manyen almost 2 years ago
Page last updated: 29 Jul 2024, 11:24 AM